How is a Saskatoon PhysioYoga
class different?
Many people are interested in trying yoga but are just not sure where to start. Some wonder if they will be able to participate or keep up in a large class. Others are afraid that they will not receive the instruction and professional attention to keep them safe.
Yoga should be available to everybody and every body.
Linda understand the importance of proper and safe yoga instruction that is tailored to each individual student. That is why our PhysioYoga classes have a maximum of 10 students and our teachers are Physiotherapists with specialized training in Medical Yoga Therapy.
Linda’s unique approach to yoga blends the holistic benefits of Medical Yoga Therapy with traditional Physiotherapy to give her students the confidence, knowledge and assurance to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

What the Research Says…
A recent research study done in the College of Kinesiology, U of S studied our PhysioYoga classes and the outcomes they had on students. Students who completed 8 weekly PhysioYoga classes, reported:
less pain
fewer symptoms of depression
increased mobility/function for everyday activities
(Blouin, et al 2018)
WOW! How great is that?
Such positive changes felt by students in only 2 months.
Are you ready to make some changes? Are you ready to invest in your health?
Join a PhysioYoga class now.